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Miloš Judaš – izabrane publikacije


  1. Kostović I, Judaš M, Bogdanović N (1987) Perinatal cytoarchitectonic development of the prospective "premotor" belt in man. Anatomischer Anzeiger – Verhandlungen der Anatomisches Gesellschaft 81: 533-534.
  2. Krmpotić-Nemanić J, Kostović I, Bogdanović N, Fučić A, Judaš M (1988) Cytoarchitectonic parameters of developmental capacity of the human associative auditory cortex during postnatal life. Acta Otolaryngologica (Stockholm) 105:463-466.
  3. Kostović I, Lukinović N, Judaš M, Bogdanović N, Mrzljak L, Zečević N, Kubat M (1989) Structural basis of the developmental plasticity in the human cerebral cortex: the role of the transient subplate zone. Metabolic Brain Diseases 4:17-23. (Scopus 93 citata)
  4. Kostović I, Seress L, Mrzljak L, Judaš M (1989) Early onset of synapse formation in the human hippocampus: a correlation with Nissl-Golgi architectonics in 15- and 16.5-week-old fetuses. Neuroscience 30:105-116. (Scopus 75 citata)
  5. Mrzljak L, Uylings HBM, Van Eden CG, Judaš M (1990) Neuronal development in human prefrontal cortex in prenatal and postnatal stages. Progress in Brain Research 85:185-222. (Scopus 212 citata)
  6. Kostović I, Judaš M, Kostović-Knežević Lj, Šimić G, Delalle I, Chudy D, Šajin B, Petanjek Z (1991) Zagreb Research Collection of human brains for developmental neurobiologists and clinical neuroscientists. International Journal of Developmental Biology 35:215-230. (Scopus 47 citata)
  7. Kostović I, Judaš M (1991) Neuroscience in Yugoslavia. Trends in Neurosciences 14(5):171-175.
  8. Kostović I, Petanjek Z, Judaš M (1993) Early areal differentiation of the human cerebral cortex: entorhinal area. Hippocampus 3:447-458. (Scopus 47 citata)
  9. Strinović D, Škavić J, Kostović I, Henigsberg N, Judaš M, Clark D (1994) Identification of war victims in Croatia. Medicine, Science & Law 34(3):207-212. (Scopus 14 citata)
  10. Kostović I, Judaš M, Petanjek Z, Šimić G (1995) Ontogenesis of goal-directed behavior: anatomo-functional considerations. International Journal of Psychophysiology 19:85-102. (Scopus 116 citata)
  11. Heffer-Lauc M, Čačić M, Judaš M, Müthing J (1996) Anti-GM3 (II3Neu5Ac-lactosylceramide) gan-glioside antibody labels human fetal Purkinje neurons during the critical stage of cerebellar development. Neuroscience Letters 213:91-94. (Scopus 8 citata)
  12. Mijatović D, Henigsberg N, Judaš M, Kostović I (1996) Use of digital wireless communications system for rapid and efficient communication between Croatian Medical Centers in war. Croatian Medical Journal 37(2):71-74. (Scopus 9 citata)
  13. Krmpotić-Nemanić J, Vinter I, Judaš M (1997) Transformation of  the  shape of the ethmoid bone during the  course  of life. European Archives of Otorhinolaryngology 254:347-349. (Scopus 14 citata)
  14. Kostović I, Judaš M (1998) Transient pattenrs of organization of the human fetal brain. Croatian Medical Journal 39(2):107-114. (Scopous 26 citata)
  15. Judaš M (1998) Croatian Institute for Brain Research: Bridging the gap from The Decade of the Brain to the next millenium. Croatian Medical Journal 39(4):383-385.
  16. Grizelj M, Hrabač P, Ivkić G, Judaš M (1998) Development of NADPH-diaphorase-reactive basal forebrain neurons in the prenatal human brain. Periodicum Biologorum 100(2):231-238.
  17. Judaš M, Šestan N, Kostović I (1999) Nitrinergic neurons  in the  developing  and  adult human  telencephalon:  transient and permanent patterns of expression in comparison to other  mammals. Microscopy Research and Technique 45(6):401-419. (Scopus 64 citata)
  18. Kostović I, Judaš M (2002) Correlation between the sequential ingrowth of afferents and transient patterns of cortical lamination in preterm infants. The Anatomical Record 267:1-6. (Scopus 182 citata)
  19. Kostović I, Judaš M, Radoš M, Hrabač P (2002) Laminar organization of the human fetal cerebrum revealed by histochemical markers and magnetic resonance imaging. Cerebral Cortex 12:536-544. (Scopus 356 citata)
  20. Kostović I, Rašin M-R, Petanjek Z, Judaš M (2002) Morphological characteristics of the cells in the subcallosal zone (nucleus septohippocampalis) of the human fetus. Neuroembryology 1(3):97-104. (Scopus 9 citata)
  21. Kostović I, Judaš M (2002) The role of the subplate zone in the structural plasticity of the developing human cerebral cortex. Neuroembryology 1(4):145-153. (Scopus 19 citata)
  22. Judaš M, Rašin MR, Krušlin B, Kostović K, Jukić D, Petanjek Z, Kostović I (2003) Dendritic overgrowth and alterations in laminar phenotypes of neocortical neurons in the newborn with semilobar holoprosencephaly. Brain & Development 25:32-39. (Scopus 13 citata)
  23. Judaš M, Radoš M, Jovanov-Milošević N, Hrabač P, Štern-Padovan R, Kostović I (2005) Structural, immunocytochemical, and MR imaging properties of periventricular crossroads of growing cortical pathways in preterm infants. American Journal of Neuroradiology 26:2671-2784. (Scopus 173 citata)
  24. Radoš M, Judaš M, Kostović I (2006) In vitro MRI of brain development. European Journal of Radiology  57(2):187-198. (Scopus 125 citata)
  25. Kostović I, Judaš M (2006) Prolonged coexistence of transient and permanent circuitry elements in the developing cerebral cortex of fetuses and preterm infants. Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology 48:388-393. (Scopus 123 citata)
  26. Kostović I, Judaš M (2007) Transient patterns of cortical lamination during prenatal life: Do they have implications for treatment? Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 31:1157-1168. (Scopus 104 citata)
  27. Judaš M, Cepanec M (2007) Adult structure and development of the human fronto-opercular cerebral cortex (Broca’s region). Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics 21(11):975-989. (Scopus 25 citata)
  28. Cepanec M, Judaš M (2007) The past and present status of “motor speech area”: From classical modular “center” to nodal and supramodal component of multiple neuronal networks. Liječnički Vjesnik 129(12):401-406. (Scopus 2 citata)
  29. Petanjek Z, Judaš M, Kostović I, Uylings HBM (2008) Lifespan alterations of basal dendritic trees of pyramidal neurons in the human prefrontal cortex: A layer-specific pattern. Cerebral Cortex 18(4):915-929. (Scopus 218 citata)
  30. Kostović I, Judaš M (2008) Maturation of cerebral connections and fetal behavior. Donald School Journal of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology 2(3):79-85.
  31. Judaš M, Sedmak G, Radoš M, Sarnavka V, Fumić K, Willer T, Gross C, Hehr U, Strahl S, Ćuk M, Barić I (2009) POMT-1 associated Walker-Warburg syndrome: A disorder of dendritic development of neocortical neurons. Neuropediatrics 40:6-14. (Scopus 11 citata)
  32. Fertuzinhos S, Krsnik Ž, Kawasawa YI, Rašin MR, Kwan KY, Chen JG, Judaš M, Hayashi M, Šestan N (2009) Selective depletion of molecularly defined cortical interneurons in human holoprosencephaly with severe striatal hypoplasia. Cerebal Cortex 19:2196-2207.
  33. Ćosić K, Popović S, Kostović I, Judaš M (2010) Virtual reality adaptive stimulation of limbic networks in the mental readiness training. In: Wiederhold BK et al. (Eds) Annual Review of Cybertherapy and Telemedicine, pp. 14-19.
  34. Ćosić K, Popović S, Kostović I, Judaš M (2010) Virtual reality adaptive stimulation of limbic networks in the mental readiness training. Studies in Health and Technology Information 154:14-19. (Scopus 4 citata)
  35. Judaš M, Cepanec M (2010) Oskar Vogt: The first myeloarchitectoic map of the human frontal cortex. Translational Neuroscience 1(1):72-94. (Scopus 9 citata)
  36. Cepanec M, Judaš M (2010) Postnatal development of layer IV in fronto-opercular region (Broca’s area). Translational Neuroscience 1(1):24-29. (Scopus 1 citat)
  37. Judaš M, Pletikos M (2010) The discovery of the subpial granular layer in the human cerebral cortex. Translational Neuroscience 1(3):255-260. (Scopus 4 citata)
  38. Judaš M, Pletikos M (2010) A note on the sea-horse in the human brain. Translational Neuroscience 1(4):335-337. (Scopus 3 citata)
  39. Kostović I, Judaš M (2010) The development of the subplate and thalamocortical connections in the human foetal brain. Acta Paediatrica 99(8):1119-1127. (Scopus 289 citata)
  40. Judaš M, Sedmak G, Pletikos M (2010) Early history of subplate and interstitial neurons: from Theodor Meynert (1867) to the discovery of the subplate zone (1974). Journal of Anatomy (London) 217:344-367. (Scopus 44 citata)
  41. Judaš M, Sedmak G, Pletikos M, Jovanov-Milošević N (2010) Populations of subplate and interstitial neurons in fetal and adult human telencephalon. Journal of Anatomy (London) 217:381-399. (Scopus 57 citata)
  42. Jovanov-Milošević N, Petanjek Z, Petrović D, Judaš M, Kostović I (2010) Morphology, molecular phenotypes and distribution of neurons in developing human corpus callosum. European Journal of Neuroscience 32:1423-1432. (Scopus 33 citata)
  43. Judaš M (2011) F.K. Studnička (1894): Fishes and amphibians also have the cerebral cortex. Translational Neuroscience 2(1):79-89.
  44. Judaš M, Sedmak G (2011) Purkyne’s contributions to neuroscience and biology: Part I. Translational Neuroscince 2(3):270-280. (Scopus 4 citata)
  45. Judaš M, Petanjek Z, Kostović I (2011) Jelena Krmpotić-Nemanić (1921-2008): Contributions to human neuroanatomy. Collegium Antropologicum 35(suppl. 1):345-349. (Scopus 4 citata)
  46. Judaš M, Cepanec M, Sedmak G (2012) Brodmann’s map of the human cerebral cortex – or Brodmann’s maps? Translational Neuroscience 3(1):67-74. (Scopus 15 citata)
  47. Kostović I, Judaš M, Sedmak G (2011) Developmental history of the subplate zone, subplate neurons and interstitial white matter neurons: relevance for schizophrenia. International Journal of Developmental Neuroscience 29:193-205. (Scopus 88 citata)
  48. Vasung L, Jovanov-Milošević N, Pletikos M, Mori S, Judaš M, Kostović I (2011) Prominent periventricular fiber system related to ganglionic eminence and striatum in the human fetal cerebrum. Brain Structure and Function 215(3-4):237-253. (Scopus 47 citata)
  49. Judaš M, Šimić G, Petanjek Z, Jovanov-Milošević N, Pletikos M, Vasung L, Vukšić M, Kostović I (2011) The Zagreb Collection of human brains: A unique, versatile, but underexploited resource for the neuroscience community. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1225 (Suppl. 1):E105-E130. (Scopus 39 citata)
  50. Petanjek Z, Judaš M, Šimić G, Rašin MR, Uylings HBM, Rakic P, Kostović I (2011) Extraordinary neoteny of synaptic spines in the human prefrontal cortex. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 108(32):13281-13286. (Scopus 905 citata)
  51. Kwan K, Lam MMS, Johnson MB, Dube U, Shim S, Rašin MR, Sousa AMM, Fertuzinhos S, Chen JG, Arellano JI, Chan DW, Pletikos M, Vasung L, Rowitch DH, Huang EJ, Schwartz ML, Willemsen R, Oostra BA, Rakic P, Heffer M, Kostović I, Judaš M, Šestan N (2012) Species-dependent posttranscriptional regulation of NOS1 by FMRP in the developing cerebral cortex. Cell 149(4):899-911. (Scopus 103 citata)
  52. Ćosić K, Popović S, Fabek I, ... Judaš M, Kostović I, Šimić G (2012) Pilot FMRI study of neural activation patterns induced by professional military training. Translational Neuroscience 3(1):46-50. (Scopus 7 citata)
  53. Judaš M, Sedmak G, Kostović I (2013) The significance of the subplate for evolution and developmental plasticity of the human brain. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience (JUL) (Scopus 57 citata).
  54. Kostović I, Jovanov-Milošević N, Radoš M, Sedmak G, Benjak V, Kostović-Srzentić M, Vasung L, Čuljat M, Radoš M, Hüppi P, Judaš M (2014) Perinatal and early postnatal reorganization of the subplate and related cellular compartments in the human cerebral wall as revealed by histological and MRI approaches. Brain Structure & Function, 219(1):231-253. (Scopus 136 citata)
  55. Jovanov-Milosevic N, Judaš M, Aronica E, Kostovic I (2014) Neural ECM in laminar organization and connectivity development in healthy and diseased human brain. Prog Brain Res 214:159-178. (Scopus 27 citata)
  56. Krušlin B, Džombeta T, Bezjak M, Sedmak G, Petanjek Z, Šimić G, Judaš M, Kostović I (2014) Congenital brain anomalies and chromosomal aberrations from the Zagreb Collection of human brains. Translational Neuroscience 5(4):293-301. (Scopus 4 citata)
  57. Kostović I, Sedmak G, Vukšić M, Judaš M (2015) The relevance of human fetal subplate zone for developmental neuropathology of neuronal migration disorders and cortical dysplasia. CNS Neuroscience and Therapeutics 21(2):74-82. (Scopus 39 citata)
  58. Sedmak G, Jovanov-Milošević N, Puskarjov M, Ulamec M, Krušlin B, Kaila K, Judaš M (2016) Developmental expression of KCC2 and functionally associated molecules in the human brain. Cerebral Cortex 26(12):4574-4589. (Scopus 78 citata)
  59. Hrabač P, Bosak A, Vukšić M, Petanjek Z, Šimić G, Judaš M, Kostović I, Krsnik Ž (2018) The Zagreb Collection of human brains: entering the virtual world. Croatian Medical Journal 59(6):283-287. (Scopus 3 citata)
  60. Štajduhar A, Lepage C, Judaš M, Lončarić S, Evans AC (2018) 3D localization of neurons in bright-field histological images. Proceedings Elmar – International Symposium Electronics in Marine, pp. 75-78, 8534593. (Scopus 3 citata)
  61. Štajduhar A, Džaja D, Judaš M, Lončarić S (2019) Automatic detection of neurons in NeuN-stained histological images of human brain. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 519:237-246. (Scopus 5 citata)
  62. Kostović I, Sedmak G, Judaš M (2019) Neural histology and neurogenesis of the human fetal and infant brain. NeuroImage 188:743-773. (Scopus 107 citata)
  63. Sedmak G, Judaš M (2019) The total number of white matter interstitial neurons in the human brain. Journal of Anatomy 235(3):626-636. (Scopus 17 citata)
  64. Milos RI, Jovanov Milošević N, Mitter C, … Judaš M, Prayer D (2020) Developmental dynamics of the periventricular parietal crossroads of growing cortical pathways in the fetal brain – in vivo fetal MRI with histological correlation. NeuroImage 210:116553. (Scopus 11 citata)
  65. Sedmak G, Judaš M (2021) White matter interstitial neurons in the adult human brain: 3% of cortical neurons in quest for recognition. Cells 10(1):1-13, article no. 190 (Scopus 14 citata)
  66. Bobić Rasonja M, Pogledić I, Mitter C, Štajduhar A, Milković-Periša M, Trnski S, Bettelheim D, Hainfellner JA, Judaš M, Prayer D, Jovanov Milošević N (2021) Developmental differences between the limbic and neocortical telencephalic wall: An intrasubject slice-matched 3 T MRI-histological correlative study in humans. Cerebral Cortex 31(7):3536-3550. (Scopus 4 citata)
  67. Banovac I, Sedmak D, Judaš M, Petanjek Z (2021) Von Economo neurons – primate-specific or commonplace in the mammalian brain? Frontiers in Neural Circuits 15: article no. 714611 (Scopus 14 citata)
  68. Bokulić E, Medenica T, Knezović V, Štajduhar A, Almahariq F, Baković M, Judaš M, Sedmak G (2021) The stereological analysis and spatial distribution of neurons in the human subthalamic nucleus. Frontiers in Neuroanatomy 15: article no. 749390 (Scopus 2 citata)
  69. Pogledić I, Schwartz E, Bobić Rasonja M, Mitter C, Baltzer P, Gruber GM, Milković-Periša M, Haberler C, Bettelheim D, Kasprian G, Judaš M, Prayer D, Jovanov Milošević N (2021) 3T MRI signal intensity profiles and thicknesses of transient zones in human fetal brain at mid-gestation. European Journal of Paediatric Neurology 35:67-73. (Scopus 5 citata)
  70. Štajduhar A, Lipić T, Lončarić S, Judaš M, Sedmak G (2023) Interpretable machine learning approach for neuron-centric analysis of human cortical cytoarchitecture. Scientific Reports 13(1): doi?
  71. Salamon I, Park Y, Miškić T, … Judaš M, Krsnik Ž, Rašin MR (2023) Celf4 controls mRNA translation underlying synaptic development in the prenatal mammalian neocortex. Nature Communications 14(1):6025.


  1. Kostović I, Petanjek Z, Delalle I, Judaš M (1992) Developmental reorganization of the human association cortex during the perinatal and postnatal life. In: Kostović I, Knežević S, Spillich G, Wisniewski J (Eds): Neurodevelopment, Aging, and Cognition. Boston: Birkhäuser, pp. 3-17.
  2. Kostović I, Judaš M (1994) Prenatal and perinatal development of the human cerebral cortex. In: Kurjak A, Chervenak FA (Eds) The Fetus as a Patient: Advances in Diagnosis and Therapy. New York-London: The Parthenon Publishing Group, pp. 35-55.
  3. Kostović I, Judaš M (1995) Prenatal development of the cerebral cortex. In: Chervenak FA, Kurjak A, Comstock CH (Eds) Ultrasound and the Fetal Brain (Progress in Obstetric and Gynecological Sonography Series). New York-London: The Parthenon Publishing Group, pp. 1-26.
  4. Judaš M (1999) Stephen Polyak: the last neuroscientist who knew everything about the visual system. In: Herak J (Ed) Distinguished Croatian Scientists in America, part II, Zagreb: Croatian-American Society & Croatian Heritage Foundation & Matrix Croatica, pp. 61-72.
  5. Judaš M, Jovanov-Milošević N, Rašin MR, Heffer-Lauc M, Kostović I (2003) Complex patterns and simple architects: molecular guidance cues for developing axonal pathways in the telencephalon. In:  Kostović I (Ed.) Guidance Cues in the Developing Brain. Progress in Molecular and Subcellular Biology, Vol. 32. Berlin-Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, pp. 1-32. (Scopus 23 citata)
  6. Kostović I, Judaš M, Petanjek Z (2008) Structural development of the human prefrontal cortex. In: Nelson CA, Luciana M (Eds) Handbook of Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 2nd Edition. Cambridge, MA – London: A Bradford Book, The MIT Press,  pp. 213-235.
  7. Kostović I, Judaš M (2009) Early development of neuronal circuitry of the human prefrontal cortex. In: Gazzaniga MS (Ed) The Cognitive Neurosciences, 4th Edition. Cambridge, MA – London: The MIT Press, pp. 29-48.
  8. Judaš M (2011) Prenatal development of the human fetal telencephalon. In: Prayer D (Ed) Fetal MRI. Medical Radiology – Diagnostic Imaging. Berlin – New York: Springer, pp. 81-146.
  9. Dubois J, Kostović I, Judaš M (2014) Development of structural and functional connectivity, Brain Mapping: An Encyclopedic Reference, Vol. 2, pp. 423-437. Elsevier. (Scopus 24 citata)
  10. Kostović I, Judaš M (2014) Embryonic and Fetal Development of the Human Cerebral Cortex, Brain Mapping: An Encyclopedic Reference,  Vol. 2, pp. 167-175. Elsevier. (Scopus 20 citata)